.. index:: Blocks; faq-accordion ##################### Blocks, FAQ accordion ##################### Supermint can display frequently asked questions as an accordion. Adding an FAQ block ******************* 1. Reference the concrete5 `add a block `_ documentation. In the **Navigation** section choose the **FAQ** block. 2. Drag and drop the block onto the intended area. .. image:: ./figures/blocks_faq_accordion/blocks-faq-add1.jpg ----- 3. A modal pops up automatically, to create the first entry for the FAQ block. .. image:: ./figures/blocks_faq_accordion/blocks-faq-add2.jpg Editing an FAQ block ******************** 1. Reference the concrete5 `in page editing `_ documentation. 2. Click on the FAQ block to begin editing. 3. In the pop up menu click on **Edit block**. .. image:: ./figures/blocks_faq_accordion/blocks-faq-edit1.jpg ----- 4. A modal will allow adding, removing, editing and reording questions. .. image:: ./figures/blocks_faq_accordion/blocks-faq-edit2.jpg Adding an accordion to the FAQ block ************************************ 1. Reference the concrete5 `in page editing `_ documentation. 2. Click on the FAQ block to begin editing. 3. Choose the **Design and Custom Template** option in the pop up menu. .. image:: ./figures/blocks_faq_accordion/blocks-faq-design-custom-template.jpg ----- 4. Then choose the gear icon in the edit menu bar. 5. In Custom Template there is one choice for **Supermint Accordion** that can be selected. .. image:: ./figures/blocks_faq_accordion/blocks-faq-design-custom-template-accordion.jpg