############# Blocks, Image ############# All custom templates and classes for the built-in image block. Supermint use intensivly the built-in image block in different way. Discover how to play with custom templates and custom classes ************** Custom Classes ************** .. index:: Classes; Smoked Smoked Classes ============== Add a subtle color overlay on image to fit exactly with your color scheme + black-smoked + primary-smoked + secondary-smoked + tertiary-smoked + quaternary-smoked + white-smoked .. index:: Classes; No-text No Text class ============= Disable the displaying of Heading in image + no-text .. index:: Classes; Height ============== Height Classes ============== Used in Supermint Header to set the height of the banner. The value is relative to a percent of the display (80 = 80% of the browser view area) + height-80 + height-50 + height-30 .. index:: Classes; Into-columns Miscellaneous ============= **into-columns** is used when the Supermint Header template is placed in a area smaller than a full width container or if you want to see headline that take all the width of the image. + into-columns **************** Custom templates **************** .. index:: Templates; Header Supermint Header ================ Below is the **Supermint Header** custom template. This template supports multiple Custom classes as **smoked** or **height**. It also uses the file title and description (or from the block itself if filled) to display Headlines. This headline functionality can be disabled by adding **no-text** custom class. **Supermint Header** doesn't need to be placed in a full width area. It can also display image where you want in the page. The only thing is that th e height is set relative to the screen **and** the image is cropped to fit the dimension and that you must set the class **into-columns** to set reset the width of the headline container. ----- Below we have added a content block under the image block with the custom class **image-caption-inside**. .. image:: ./figures/blocks_image/supermint-header-with-secondary-smoked-class.jpg .. image:: ./figures/blocks_image/supermint-header-with-black-smoked-class.jpg .. image:: ./figures/blocks_image/supermint-header-with-white-smoked-class.jpg .. index:: Templates; Columns Supermint 2 columns =================== Here the text is come from the "Alt.text" field in the image block. This template also support smoked class. < example missing > .. index:: Templates; Hover Supermint Hover =============== In the live demonstration the images bounce when hovered with the cursor. * This template follow the design line as Feature block. .. image:: ./figures/blocks_image/supermint-hover-design-line-as-feature-block.jpg * This template supports Custom class **smoked**. .. image:: ./figures/blocks_image/supermint-hover-alternate-description-and-smoked-class.jpg .. index:: Templates; Caption Supermint caption ================= This custom work exactly as the default template for the image block but with a caption. Set it outside .. image:: ./figures/blocks_image/supermint-caption-set-outside.jpg or inside the image, set the color (primary,..) .. image:: ./figures/blocks_image/supermint-caption-set-inside.jpg and for inside, set if it will show only when over. .. image:: ./figures/blocks_image/supermint-caption-set-inside-on-hover.jpg All these settings can be set by `Custom classes <./05-block-area-layout-classes.html>`_ on the block. ----- Original reference: web.archive.org `page `_