Welcome to Supermint

A theme for CMS concrete5 .


To help those in need, this documentation has been copied and pasted from the web archive page, and edited somewhat for clarity. A perfunctory comparison of the documented options has been made by running supermint in concrete5 version 8.4.2 , however full testing has not been done, and there is no assurance that theme features are functioning as documented. As you read, please also consider that the English here was generously translated from French by the original author.

Fundamental principles:

So if you master well the custom templates, and classes for block areas and the attributes, you will take great pleasure in creating your site with Supermint.

If these concepts are still unclear or unknown, do not worry, in a few hours (if not minutes), through this documentation and the editor documentation.concrete5.org you will master these principles and will join the group of happy users.

Installation instructions

If you have never installed a package on a Concrete5 site, read this first: https://documentation.concrete5.org/editors/dashboard/add-functionality

  • Installing Concrete5 on your server

    If you choose to install a starting point from Supermint, please do it on a fresh Concrete5 installation. When you will install Concrete5 on a server you have two choice of content, choose Empty Site.

    <example image missing>

  • Manual installation of Supermint

    1. Unzip this file in your site’s packages/ directory.
    2. Login to your site as an administrator.
    3. Find the Add Functionality page in your dashboard.
    4. Find this package in the list of packages awaiting installation.
    5. Click the install button.

Installation page & Starting points

Once the install button has been clicked you will see a gallery with all Starting points available. For each, you see a button for a preview, another to choose it. Once your choice has been made, click on bottom on the install button. This can take some time, don’t refresh or leave the page !


    Read this documentation to discover how to play with Supermint !

Extend Supermint

The best way to customize theme files and keep the update functionality is to know what you want to change.

  • If you want to customize css:

    Create a file named supermint.css placed at root/application/themes/supermint/css/supermint.css

  • If you want modify a page-type:

    Copy/paste the page-type file from packages/theme_supermint/themes/supermint/left_sidebar.php into root/themes/supermint/left_sidebar.php and modify it as you want

  • If you want to add a page-type:

    Add a file into root/application/themes/supermint/my_page_type.php. After go to dashboard > page-types > add a page type, name it and give as handle the file name (my_page_type). This page type will be available now when you will create a new page.

  • If you want to modify the header.php or footer.php

    or any other files from Supermint theme elements folder:

    Copy/paste the header file

    from packages/theme_supermint/themes/supermint/elements/header.php

    to root/application/themes/supermint/elements/header.php

    and change what you want into this.

Original reference: web.archive.org page